Kiếm Combat
Kiếm Combat

All swords used in official competition must be IVWF approved swords. They are weighed and made of specific materials. There is no obligation to have an IVWF approved helmet, but hard faceguards can damage the swords and are forbidden. A clear methacrylate faceguard is mandatory. The top of the helmet must protect the head. Any soft facepguard is allowed. (Text from the book "Integral Vovinam" by Patrick Levet)
Each correct attack on an allowed part scores 1 point. Almost every part of the body scores, even the hands, feet, legs, wrists. Except the shoulders, because we do not want Kendo type fights. We must keep our Vovinam root.
Parts like the back of the head and the back have been banned. This makes for dynamic and exiting fights. The refereeing is a bit tricky because everything goes really fast. The rounds last only one minute to one minute and a half.
In adult saber fights, there is no distinction of gender or weight categories. This is the spirit of saber fighting. Only children have categories to avoid age and weight differences that could cause injury. But girls and boys fight together, for the same age and weight. Children have a slightly smaller sword than adults.

All swords used in official competition must be IVWF approved swords. They are weighed and made of specific materials.
There is no obligation to have an IVWF approved helmet, but hard visors can damage the sabers and are forbidden. A cle
(Text from the book "Integral Vovinam" by Patrick Levet)